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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN VIRGO TODAY! Keywords: analytical, health, hygiene, critical, perfection, fitness, routine, in-service, volunteer, co-workers, employees, daily regimen, organization, scheduling, neatness, clean The Moon in Virgo is moving through your 1st house of identity and how other's see you. This house also rules the personality, your attitude, how you see the world, how you look, appearances, your worldly outlook, and self-awareness and how you respond. It includes the self, ego, anima, projected image, expression of inner motivation, soul purpose, initial approach to life and your aura. Take special note that this first house rules your soul's purpose and your inner motivation. Okay folks, there are a couple of important things coming up, so that means everyone gets the same horoscope today so I can say it once very loudly. Plus, I'm posting this several days in advance, which means many of you will be reading this early and then re-reading it again. YAY! First there is a New Moon in Virgo tomorrow, Sunday, September 13, 2015, which I think is one of THE MOST important New Moon's of the year. We are half way through the zodiac on New Moons, which means it is time to stop and look at what we are doing, re-group and re-organize before we go any further. The information on this New Moon in Virgo is below. There was also some information on this New Moon in yesterday's horsocope and there is even more information in your Weekly Horoscope. Second, on Thursday, September 17, 2015 Saturn moves into Sagittarius. I created a new calendar called, Saturn in Sagittarius Transiting Degrees Calendar. Folks, MAKE CERTAIN you read the first two paragraphs on this page. I am in the process of writing more in your Yearly Horoscope which is where the Saturn in Sagittarius write-up will be. These first two paragraphs on this Saturn in Sagittarius calendar will help you understand this wonderful energy. Third, also on Thursday, September 17, 2015 Mercury will turn Retrograde until October 10, 2015. If you have been coming to my website long enough then you know that I do not use fear tactic writing to reel you into Astrology. Fearful astrology is for the weak and it is trickery from those begging for attention or pandering for business. If you read the very bottom of your Weekly Horoscope page, you will see a few paragraphs on Retrograde Motion and that I believe these Retrogrades are to be a 'do-over,' meaning you get three chances to do something and get it right before progressing forward. We have been sitting in Retrograde Motion with Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Chiron for quite some time but as usual, Mercury will get the most press. Maybe because Mercury rules 'the press'. (winky wink) Watch for even more writing in your Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes over the next few days. Keep reading below . . . . IT'S NEW MOON IN VIRGO EVE because there is a New Moon in Virgo tomorrow, Sunday, September 13, 2015. If you missed yesterday's EVE-EVE writing, then click back a day and play catch-up. A New Moon is a time of 'new beginnings' and 'fresh starts' as it represents a new cycle. The Moon rules 'emotions' and Virgo rules 'health' and 'daily routine' including 'work ethic'. Virgo also rules the immediate work environment and the individuals in that environment such as employees, co-workers and volunteers. Don't forget the volunteers! Volunteers and volunteering matter! Virgo takes from the invisible plane and manifests it on the visible plane. I'll repeat that -- Virgo takes from the invisible plane and manifests it on the visible plane. This is MANIFEST DESTINY and MIND OVER MATTER in its finest hour. The New Moon has an 'orb of influence' of 2 weeks and takes us up to the Full Moon in Aries on Sunday, September 27, 2015. You have 2 weeks to get all up in your face and analytical about yourself. Straighten your act up NOW! There will not be another New Moon in Virgo for an entire year, so this new beginning effects you for an entire year and you have 2 weeks to hammer-down! Each day that goes by the New Moon in Virgo grows weaker but its influence is still strongly present. There is even more about this in your WEEKLY HOROSCOPE REMINDERS! Get over there and read it, drill it in your head like a drill sargeant and make that DECISION today! You have thought about and analyzed it long enough. Now it's time to manifest! As perfectionistic as Virgo is, you would think that Virgo would not be the procrastinator of the zodiac but alas, Virgo is a professional procrastinator. If Virgo was paid to procrastinate, they would be billionaire's. Virgo's attention to detail is what holds them up. As a North Node Virgo myself, if I waited until everything was perfect on this website before I published it, then I wouldn't be 15 years into it, I'd still be sitting in perfection. I choose to get off my ass and to always keep perfecting it daily. Waiting and doing nothing until it is perfect doesn't even make sense and you sure as heck wouldn't be reading the site right now, would you? Make certain your check your Weekly Horoscope 'Reminders' because I wrote about more more about this New Moon that is occurring tomorrow. This is a wonderful New Moon for manifesting on the physical plane that which you desire, especially if that change has to do with your physical body because Virgo rules the physical body, health, hygiene, fitness and nutrition. Virgo also rules attention to detail, especially in bookkeeping and the finances. It's a wonderful time to get these two areas of your Life back on track! It's also a fan-dang-tastical time to apply for new jobs because Virgo rules the daily regimen of work ethic, employees and co-workers. Check your Weekly Horoscope for more information on the New Moon in Virgo. For the entire population of your Sun Sign, Jupiter in Virgo is updated in your Yearly Horoscope and will expand an area of your chart for 13 months. If you need assistance figuring out how to take advantage of Jupiter's gifts over the next 13 months, then its probably time for a personal reading. If I wrote your Expansive Natal Chart then I included all aspects (major and minor) that affect you personally. In addition to the Moon above impacting you, the aspects and energies below are also occurring and impacting you today. As we begin to encounter these 'exact aspects' they are in applying degrees, which means you should be feeling the 'prodrome' or early symptom of what is coming. It's your intuition. After the 'exact aspect' the degrees will begin to pull apart, which is called separating degrees, which it will then leave you feeling either relieved or refreshed. So in addition to the Moon impacting the house mentioned above in the 2nd paragraph for your Sun Sign, we also experience these aspects. Do you have any of these aspects in your personal natal chart? For Virgo's the Moon in Virgo is shining its moonbeams on your 1st house as you can see from the flow of your Solar (Sun Sign) Chart below. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here! The flow for your Solar Chart looks like this. Your Sun Sign Virgo would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Libra 2nd house, Scorpio 3rd house, Sagittarius 4th house, Capricorn 5th house, Aquarius 6th house, Pisces 7th house, Aries 8th house, Taurus 9th house, Gemini 10th house, Cancer 11th house and Leo 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |