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THE MOON IS IN VIRGO TODAY! Keywords: analytical, health, hygiene, critical, perfection, fitness, routine, in-service, volunteer, co-workers, employees, daily regimen, organization, scheduling, neatness, clean The Moon in Virgo is moving through your 1st house of identity and how other's see you. This house also rules the personality, your attitude, how you see the world, how you look, appearances, your worldly outlook, and self-awareness and how you respond. It includes the self, ego, anima, projected image, expression of inner motivation, soul purpose, initial approach to life and your aura. Take special note that this first house rules your soul's purpose and your inner motivation. The day begins with the Moon in Leo, but actually anything important occurring today is happening in the sign of Virgo. If you look at the aspects listed below, you will see that the Moon will enter Virgo at 3:50 PM EDT and then conjunct Venus at 4:01 PM EDT and square Saturn at 7:18 PM EDT, all in the sign of Virgo. So we open the day with Leo emotions that are dramatic, yet fun, playful and tender-hearted and then the nit-picky, flaw-finding, critical Virgo Moon rolls in. The Moon in Virgo will conjunct Venus in Virgo intensifying the energy of the two planets involved. This will bring about tender, sweet, gentle and charming energy with another person. Later in the day, only 3 hours later, the Moon in Virgo will square Saturn in Sagittarius, which brings out an inferiority complex and a melancholy disposition in relationhips. This makes us feel un-Loved, where earlier in the day we felt Loved. Someone is pouting over Love. This emotional lunar influence will cause us to withdrawal into insecurity, shyness and lack of self-worth. If only I was this, he/she would Love me. It is interesting how the Moon aspects Venus (female energy) so sweetly earlier in the day and then 3 hours later the Moon makes a hard aspect to Saturn (father energy) and runs all that sweet and gentle energy right into a ditch and the wheels begin spinning for days. If this keeps up, mud will be flung everywhere. Now we are just talking about the Moon in this paragraph impacting Venus and Saturn. I'm getting to the punch in the gut. Here is where the relationship punch in the gut actually begins to occur, which you may have 'felt' getting closer in the past couple of days. This was your intuition. Venus enters Virgo at 1:30 PM EDT and begins to get closer to aspecting Saturn in Sagittarius on Saturday, October 10, 2015. As an aspect gets closer, we feel it and that is called the 'applying degrees' because two planets are getting closer in degrees. The 'applying degrees' is the prodrome (early symptom) that this energy is coming. We feel it and that is our intution. Venus in Virgo is epitome of nit-picky and fault-finding Love. Why can't you this and why can't you that? Why didn't you this and why didn't you that? Why won't you this and why won't you that? Venus in Virgo is the nag and complainer in a relationship. Those with Venus in Virgo in their chart are tough relationship partners and usually never marry because they are just so dang perfectionistic. Compliments are disguised as or self-described as constructive criticism. Once Venus moves into Virgo at 00 degees 01 minutes, it will make an 'applying square' to Saturn in Sagittarius at 01 degree 42 minutes. Venus and Saturn will move closer and closer over the next two days and then on Saturday, October 10, 2015 at 8:31 PM EDT Venus and Saturn will form an exact square at 01 degree 54 minutes. The wheels of Love have been spinning in a ditch for days and now the mud is flinging and everything is getting dirty. There is mud in our mouth, mud in our mind, mud on body and its ugly. No one is laughing. Venus is about Love and Saturn is serious. This is no laughing matter. The Moon rules the mother, Venus rules Love and Saturn rules the Father. Folks, this is HUGE because our parents are our first intimate relationships. Our parents is where our first Love comes from and sets the tone for the type of relationships we choose for ourselves. The mother is the first female relationship for a male, and the father is the first male relationship for a female. Many times, this is not as tender and sweet as we would like. This can really hurt because relationships don't feel Good for so many people because that first relationship jacked with our mind. The energy that is occurring right now and that is coming in the next couple of days does not help, but I think if you understand the energy then it will help you move through it and then past it with ease and effortless thinking. The other thing to consider is that your parents were probably still learning above Love when they were raising you, just as you are still learning about Love as you raise your children. Oh the perpetuating cycle of parental Love. Whenever I see in someone's natal chart the Moon squaring Saturn (as it does today) and Venus squaring Saturn, as it will be on Saturday, October 10th, these two aspects just break my heart. I could just fall to my knees and beg God, "Please, Noooooooooooooooooo!" When the Moon (mother, nurturer) squares Saturn (father and authority figure) and the Venus (Love, beauty) squares Saturn (father, authority figure) this makes the person feel as though they are not Loved by anyone, not by their relationship, not by their friends, not by their family, not even by their own parents. We know that this is not True but it sure as hell feels that way. If you are feeling this energy right now, then you can imagine how someone with these aspects in their natal chart feels every single day. There is a way to channel this energy and that would be into something that you LOVE doing. That might be work, music, art, building, constructing, forming, creating, drawing, exercising, teaching . . . whatever it is, it HAS TO BE something that you Love so that you do not drop down into the well of feeling un-Loved. This is powerful energy that can ruin relationships and break hearts. "My MOM used to do that!" or "My DAD used to do that! and I don't have to take that now from anyone!" Keep in mind that Venus rules self-worth and relationships, so there will be a feeling of being unworthy or not Lovable by the ones we Love. My gosh, this is just awful feeling energy, so if you are feeling the prodrome (early symptom) of this energy, then you need to understand why you feel this way. It doesn't mean you aren't Loved. The best way to feel Love is to channel it. Put your Love into something that brings you joy but do not expect a partner to give you the depth of what you feel lacking right now. This energy effects everyone! Those with the Moon square Saturn and/or Venus square Saturn in their natal chart have some serious parent issues and feeling un-Loved and this will likely come up in a relationships over the coming days. The Moon squaring Saturn will pass after Midnight EDT tonight, but we are still left with Venus in applying degrees to the Saturn, which will be exact on Saturday, October 10, 2015 at 8:31 PM EDT. We will continue to feel the Venus square Saturn aspect up until Friday, October 16, 2015. Do not push your relationships right now. Hold each others hand or just hold each other in a hug and keep the conversation as Light, low and short as possible. Remember the old couple in the movie 'Titanic'? When the water was flooding their room and the ship was going down, they just laid on the bed together and held each other really super tight. They held strong. Sure maybe the ship was going down but they were in it together. Hold on tight to your relationships right now. HOLD ON! If you really need to talk and unload, issues about parents will likely be the source and how you didn't get what you needed from them. I suspect there will be a lot of parental complaining coming out of the mouths of those who are drinking this weekend. My Goodness, it's just sad, pitiful and painful because those closest relationships from birth impacted everyone so much. The best thing you can do for your relationship right now is understand why you act and react in the way that you do because these parental relationships impacted how you Love and who you Love today. And it's all coming out and it doesn't feel Good. I'm hoping and praying that if you know this energy, then it will make the coming days easier and you can appreciate your relationship and what you create it to be, rather than allowing your past to perpetuate a family cycle. Let the past end with you and let this energy make you aware enough to create a better relationship future. As many of you know, last year, over the span of several months I attempted to discontinue writing Expansive Natal Charts due to the amount of time involved in writing them. Occasionally I would open the link and take orders but I never could discontinue them completely due to the demand. The fee for the Expansive Natal Charts is not set in stone and the fee will continue to rise gradually until they reach the amount that matches the time involved in writing them. I don't just generate them on a computer and plop them out, they take time for my eyeballs to roll over them, evaluate them, etc. So folks, if you are interested in an Expansive Natal Chart the sooner you can purchase one, the better. I do continue to add longer and more informative aspects to my descriptions, so the charts are getting longer by each passing week. What can I say, when there is a demand, the only thing left to do is improve upon what already is, right? If you have an older chart from maybe about 3 or 4 years ago, please contact me to see if your chart warrants an update that might add 3 or 4 pages. If an update is warranted, then there will be a $20.00 fee for this update. I will take a look first and let you know if there would be a fee. If there are just a couple of things, then I will just update it for free, just because I can. AND if I wrote your chart and you lost it for some reason or another just let me know and I will send you a copy. I save copies of all the charts for this reason. Why pay again if I have a copy? In addition to the Moon above impacting you, the aspects and energies below are also occurring and impacting you today. As we begin to encounter these 'exact aspects' they are in applying degrees, which means you should be feeling the 'prodrome' or early symptom of what is coming. It's your intuition. After the 'exact aspect' the degrees will begin to pull apart, which is called separating degrees, which it will then leave you feeling either relieved or refreshed. So in addition to the Moon impacting the house mentioned above in the 2nd paragraph for your Sun Sign, we also experience these aspects. Do you have any of these aspects in your personal natal chart? For all Virgo's on the planet, the flow for your Solar Chart (Sun Sign Chart) looks like this ----> Your Sun Sign Virgo would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Libra 2nd house, Scorpio 3rd house, Sagittarius 4th house, Capricorn 5th house, Aquarius 6th house, Pisces 7th house, Aries 8th house, Taurus 9th house, Gemini 10th house, Cancer 11th house and Leo 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here! DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |