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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN CANCER TODAY! Keywords: Home, family, mother, older women, nurturing, cooking, gardening, tradition, moody, feelings, over-emotional, antiques, nostalgia, emotions, intuition, tears, water, land, mining, property, your heritage, places of abode, residences, your roots, biological and psychological foundation The Cancer Moon is moving through your 11th house of friends, groups of people, social acquaintances, former relationships (ex's), organizations, alliances, fraternities, memberships, money from the employer, finances of employer and stock exchanges. It is also about your hopes, wishes and dreams. If you are connected to my Astrology Facebook page then you have already seen several posts regarding the lunar aspects today. The one I want to hammer down and force feed you today is the opposition between the Moon in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. The reason why is because this opposition is going to occur every single month, every single time there is a Cancer Moon until the year 2024. This same square has been occurring every single month, every single time there is a Cancer Moon, since the year 2008. That's because Pluto is in Capricorn for 16 years, from 2008 until 2024. Every time there is a Cancer Moon, it will oppose Pluto in Capricorn. So, no matter what, this opposition will occur every single month until 2024. Do you know how much energy it will take to overcome an emotional Cancer Moon - Pluto in Capricorn opposition? If you have read my writings on Pluto in Capricorn in your Generational Horoscope then think about how emotionally volatile Pluto in Capricorn can be when the Moon in Cancer opposes it every single month. An opposition is like a tug of war, although Astrological oppositions are 'supposed to' serve us as the perfect balance. If you turn out of balance with your emotions, then situations suffer. If you do not put a cap on the potential of your emotions, then this energy could cause you to self-destruct due to your emotions. So if you know this ahead of time and remember it every single time the Cancer Moon rolls around, then you can save your 'emotional crazy' for something else like winning the lottery or running down the isle on 'The Price is Right' or opening the door and seeing 'Oprah's Prize Patrol' or celebrating that break-through in your career that you have been working so hard to receive. Today we will experience the Moon in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn at exactly 9:14 PM EDT which is indicated on today's daily chart wheel. As the Moon opposes Pluto, this creates Love-hate feelings. It is intense, it is dramatic and just plain over-the-top. Even if everyone around you is emotionally whacked and calling attention to themselves, do not comment or play into their energy for a second. Hang back and keep a sobering clear mind. The Moon opposing Pluto can make people incredibly sensitive to rejection and they end up getting their feelings injured and misinterpret something that really is not there. Eeeeek . . this next line is going to hurt but here it goes. The Moon opposing Pluto causes us to act and react toward others in a way that is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. OUCHY! MOM make her stop!!! So this transit (Moon opposing Pluto) is more about you, not them. It's about you being comfortable in your own Life and in your own skin. Keep your comments to yourself and then look at yourself before you emotionally lash out. Over-emotion is a form of control because it is our way of getting others to respond and dance to our needs. Think about it folks. When you go off the deep end with your emotions, aren't you trying to get others to dance to your tune, agree with you or cause them to do what you want? You can say it isn't True, but it sure as heck is. So, what do you need? You can go about getting your needs met without losing your emotions and looking like the crazy, unreasonable and illogical one. Cancer energy is naturally defensive as it postures itself on its back legs and starts snapping those pinchers at anyone who walks by. Cancer energy takes things incredibly personal. Folks, wherever Cancer shows up in your personal natal chart is how and where you are like Cancer. We all have Cancer in our charts, so you cannot escape this Cancer energy unless of course you have a Cancer Interception in your chart, which means the Cancer energy fell between two different houses and does not rule a house cusp. Then and only then will you likely escape this defensive and overly emotional energy. Remember folks, the Moon naturally rules the sign of 'Cancer the crab' and it is the crab that crawls in dance-like movements across the sand. Cancer energy always moves more sideways rather than straight on. This is why many Cancer's will use the side door to enter the home as opposed to the front door. This is why Cancer will dance around a subject before they get to the point. This is also why Cancer energy and get you to do an 'emotional dance' in that form of emotional control. Cancer also rules the mother, the home, family, land and domestic affairs. Now take the opposition of Pluto in Capricorn and pit it against this Cancer Moon. This is how family issues get over-inflated and just downright volatile under this emotional lunar influence. So again folks, every single month until 2024 when the Cancer Moon rolls into town, we will experience an opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. It isn't going away anytime soon so you may as well figure out how you are going to deal with it every single month over the course of 2 to 2-1/2 days when the Cancer Moon is present. The sign of Cancer hides in their shell, while the sign of Capricorn is all about the public image. Cancer is all about inside the home and Pluto is all about outside of the home. There is a huge tug-of-war here where family secrets may be made public or shouted outloud in a fit of passion. Now for Virgo as an entire sign -- Be gentle with friends today because you could find yourself in an emotional entanglement and end up on the out's by the end of the day. Just make certain you are aware that while the emotional and moody Cancer Moon is affecting you, it is also affecting them. This makes for an emotional sensitive time and you will just need to be gentle with each other. Even nurturing with one another. Be sensitive to the needs of your friends and they will be sensitive to your needs. Talking about your dreams, hopes and wishes will help get it all out. It's Friday and natural sociable timing. You may be planning a get together with friends or even colleagues. I always think it's great when a Virgo has a gathering at their home. Think about planning something at your home and get that ball rolling today. Gathering people at your home actually fills you up and recharges your batteries. Group activities, socializing and creating a media buzz, even social media is in order. Start networking and communicating with friends even through social media. USE IT! It's a great time to make new friends and refresh old ones.
To schedule a personal 15, 30, 60 or 90 minute reading with me.
For Compatibility Reports, Insight Reports, Transit and Progressions Reports 'Visit my Holistic Shop' and other products and services. For Virgo's the Moon in Cancer is shining its moonbeams on your 11th house as you can see from the flow of your Solar (Sun Sign) Chart below. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here! The flow for your Solar Chart looks like this. Your Sun Sign Virgo would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Libra 2nd house, Scorpio 3rd house, Sagittarius 4th house, Capricorn 5th house, Aquarius 6th house, Pisces 7th house, Aries 8th house, Taurus 9th house, Gemini 10th house, Cancer 11th house and Leo 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |