| SCORPIO SUNDAY - MAY 5, 2013 |
Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below),
the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is
the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN PISCES TODAY! Keywords: impressionable, easily influenced, indecisive, drama, theatrical, storyteller, intuitive, empathetic, compassionate, sensitive, fearful, escape artist, impractical and gullible
The Moon in Pisces is trine (easy and effortless energy) your 5th house of pleasurable activities, dating, love affairs, playtime/acting, sensual emotions, lovers, parenthood and sexuality, creativity, artistic pursuits, hobbies, recreation, procreation, children. It also includes leisure, games, sports, self-fulfillment, joy and bliss.
Some Scorpion's are experiencing emotional distance at home and may be looking for Love in all the wrong places. This could apply to a teenager having challenges with a parent or a spouse having challenges with their mate. Drama is certain to take place when it comes to Love. Single Scorpion's may find themselves online looking for a date or just someone to talk to because your passions have been ignited. Pisces stimulating this 5th house, you are likely to seek depth, meaning, passion and intimacy in relationships. If you are happily coupled-up, this is a perfect time to snuggle up with the one you Live and make a baby. oooh la la. By the way, this is always a very fertile time for Scorpio's.
For Scorpio's today's Pisces Moon is shining its moonbeams on your 5th house as you can see from the flow of your Solar (Sun Sign) Chart below. The Stellium in Taurus as you can see from the flow chart below is impacting your 7th house. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
The flow for your Solar Chart looks like this. Your Sun Sign Scorpio would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Sagittarius 2nd house, Capricorn 3rd house, Aquarius 4th house, Pisces 5th house, Aries 6th house, Taurus 7th house, Gemini 8th house, Cancer 9th house, Leo 10th house, Virgo 11th house and Libra 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!
Planets are in a sign for 29 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds which completes a full 30 degrees after which the planet then moves into the next sign beginning at 00 degrees 00 minutes 01 seconds
S in the chart = Stationary
Rx in the chart = Retrograde
(Degrees and Minutes are calculated at 5:00 AM EDT)
Sun in Taurus 15° 01" - changes signs 05/20/13
Moon in Pisces 21° 19" - changes signs 05/05/13
Mercury in Taurus 07° 29" - changes signs 05/15/13
Venus in Taurus 24° 46" - changes signs 05/09/13
Mars in Taurus 11° 04" - changes signs 05/31/13
Saturn "Rx" in Scorpio 07° 40" - changes signs 09/17/15
Saturn Retrograde (Rx) until 07/08/13
Jupiter in Gemini 18° 24" - changes signs 06/25/13
Pluto "Rx" in Capricorn 11° 27" - changes signs 01/20/24
Pluto Retrograde (Rx) until 09/20/13
Uranus in Aries 10° 31" - changes signs 3/06/19
Neptune in Pisces 05° 04" - changes signs 1/26/26
Chiron in Pisces 13° 01" - changes signs 4/17/18
Black Moon in Gemini 26° 05" - changes signs 06/09/13
North Node "Rx" in Scorpio 16° 52" - changes signs 2/18/14
South Node "Rx" in Taurus 16° 52" - changes signs 2/18/14
NOTE - The Nodes are ALWAYS opposite and ALWAYS retrograde

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