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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below),
the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is
the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.

THE MOON IS IN VIRGO TODAY! Keywords: analytical, health, hygiene, critical, perfection, fitness, routine, in-service, volunteer, co-workers, employees, daily regimen, organization, scheduling, neatness, clean

The Moon in Virgo is squaring (challenging) your 10th house public life. This house also rules fame, notoriety, occupation, career, ambition, government, military, chief executives, business life, goals, ranks, political position, status, standing in the public eye, position in society. It shows your standing in the community and social status. It can reflect your attitude to parenting.

This is a perfect time to remind you just how powerful this Virgo Moon really is. Keep in mind that the Virgo Moon always says, "Mind over matter" and whatever you put your mind to you can accomplish anything. That's why those who have a North Node Virgo can manifest from the mind into matter faster than a locomotive. I have a North Node Virgo, so naturally I LOVE this Virgo Moon. No other sign can manifest something physically faster than Virgo. As I have written to you before, the Virgo Moon says, "Manifest Destiny!" I will never forget my 5th grade teacher (back in 1971-72, Mrs. Farley) always yelling out, "Manifest Destiny!" before we took a test. As a 5th grader and being fairly spiritually connected in a really weird way, I always felt like I was the only kid who understood her. Maybe I was. Now go, manifest your destiny.

The Virgo Moon is challenging you to become a better you thereby affecting your entire career. Make a hard push on your health, fitness and general outlook on Life and you will notice a difference in your career simply because you can see it clearer. You absolutely have to get your optimistic and jovial self back. You have all kinds of financial opportunity swarming about you but if you are not in your natural optimistic and jovial self then you may not be able to see it. Your health has a lot to do with your outlook so you have to make certain that you are not polluting your body thereby taking your awarenesses down a couple of notches. Get healthy Sagittarius, get healthy and it will impact your career! "Manifest Destiny!"

I want to call your attention to an aspect that occurred last night at 7:27 PM EDT, Jupiter in Cancer opposed Pluto in Capricorn. What makes these two signs in opposition to each other is that Cancer and Capricorn are opposite signs. Both Jupiter and Pluto are both at 09 degrees 26 minutes. So there we have it Jupiter in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter is expansive, lucky, optimistic and adventurous, while Pluto is explosive, powerful and transformative. Pluto likes to destruct and then reconstruct. This tug-of-war between planets can make for some severe conflict in religious, political or spiritual conversations. Okay, I know, that can happen any day of the week. More importantly, this aspect can also be quite the temptor when one is undergoing challenging circumstances. Let's say for instance that you are having a financial hard time. This could cause you to gamble away your last fifty dollars or bounce a check in desperation. If you played the Powerball last night, you only needed to buy one ticket, not spend your last fifty dollars on a stack of tickets. What the Universe really wants to see is you making the right decisions under very difficult circumstances. You aren't kidding the Universe, only yourself, when you engage in desperate behavior. You see folks, when you are in desperation, you are not in a spiritual place and Jupiter is that spiritual place. I always say, "If you are entertaining doubt, fear, worry or anxiety, you aren't talking to God, you're talking to the other guy." Pluto is the transformative place, so when you can use this energy to put the brakes on yourself and resist the temptation to engage in downright stupid decisions, then you have made a transformative decision and turned a corner in your Life. As Jupiter opposing Pluto begins to separate in degrees and grow further apart over the coming days, you will see this desperate and tempting energy ease up. This opposition between Jupiter and Pluto tempts you to gain in dishonorable ways through money, food, alcohol, drugs, sex, crime, lying, infidelity, etc. Resist folks. Resist!

There are times when I post an overall horoscope for all the Sun Signs simply because the information is so important and deserves expanded information and teaching when it presents itself. I'm realistic enough to know that everyone's Life circumstances are different and you are not all in the same place at the same time. Therefore, when big astrological influences occur such as the Grand Trines in the Water Signs or the New Moon in Leo, then I will post an overall horoscope that reads the same for each Sun Sign. I consider this website a teaching website to facilitate and support your overall health and livelihood. Ultimately this is a healthcare website and I absolutely do consider this section on Astrology part of your healthcare because how you view, approach and live out your Life impacts your mental and physical health. This website is intentionally and deliberately geared toward teaching you to 'become your own best healthcare provider ™ ' in every sense of the word, 'provider'. If you have browsed through this website, this is why you will see many avenues I travel down to teach you spiritually, physically, emotionally, chemically, intuitively, artisticly and lovingly. These 7 things are what drive my Life, they work for me and I share them with you. These 7 areas that coincide with the Chakra's are also the basis for my Treat Yourself SPECIAL e-Course where SPECIAL is an acronym for spiritual, physical, emotional, chemical, intuitive, artistic and love. There is a purity of intent to my work ethic, wherein the information provided on this website comes full circle right back to you. No matter where you go on this website, there you are. And as I always say, "When it's the Truth, it shows up everywhere." Enjoy!~

You can catch me on social media. I have two Facebook (FB) pages. One is under Dr. Loretta Standley and the other is under Loretta Standley. My Dr. Loretta Standley FB page is linked with my Twitter feed where often times I get on a roll and make a lot of quick astrology posts. Sometimes I also get on a roll Tweeting without posting them through Facebook.

For Sagittarian's today's Virgo Moon is shining its moonbeams on your 10th house as you can see from the flow of your Solar (Sun Sign) Chart below. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

The flow for your Solar Chart looks like this. Your Sun Sign Sagittarius would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Capricorn 2nd house, Aquarius 3rd house, Pisces 4th house, Aries 5th house, Taurus 6th house, Gemini 7th house, Cancer 8th house, Leo 9th house, Virgo 10th house, Libra 11th house and Scorpio 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!


Planets are in a sign for 29 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds which completes a full 30 degrees after which the planet then moves into the next sign beginning at 00 degrees 00 minutes 01 seconds

S in the chart = Stationary
Rx in the chart = Retrograde
(Degrees and Minutes are calculated at 5:00 AM EDT)

Sun in Leo 15° 59" - changes signs 08/22/13
Moon in Virgo 02° 36" - changes signs 08/07/13
Mercury in Cancer 29° 46" - changes signs 08/08/13
Venus in Virgo 20° 10" - changes signs 08/16/13
Mars in Cancer 17° 13" - changes signs 08/27/13
Saturn in Scorpio 05° 36" - changes signs 09/17/15
Jupiter in Cancer 09° 30" - changes signs 07/16/14
Pluto "Rx" in Capricorn 09° 25" - changes signs 01/20/24
Pluto Retrograde (Rx) until 09/20/13
Uranus "Rx" in Aries 12° 20" - changes signs 3/06/19
Uranus Retrograde (Rx) until 12/17/13
Neptune "Rx" in Pisces 04° 27" - changes signs 1/26/26
Neptune Retrograde (Rx) until 11/13/13
Chiron "Rx" in Pisces 12° 38" - changes signs 4/17/18
Chiron Retrograde (Rx) until 11/19/13
Black Moon in Cancer 06° 41" - changes signs 03/04/13
North Node "Rx" in Scorpio 11° 42" - changes signs 2/18/14
South Node "Rx" in Taurus 11° 42" - changes signs 2/18/14
NOTE - The Nodes are ALWAYS opposite and ALWAYS retrograde

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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.