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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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TUESDAY - JULY 10, 2012
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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below),
the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is
the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.

THE MOON IS IN ARIES TODAY! Keywords: aggressive, competitive, sports, creativity, head games, self-centered, self-absorbed, selfish, starter, the beginning, creation, creating, game player, new beginnings, the head, impulsive

The Moon in Aries is moving through your 2nd house of value systems, physical possessions and money, personal self esteem and talents. This house also rules your personal earnings, bankers, budgets, money that "you" make, material resources, value system, monetary gains and losses, security. Basically this house is about your self-worth.

Your 2nd house is being affected, which could easily cause you to have knee-jerk reactions with regard to your personal money or self-worth. Do your best not to take things too personal. Sometimes it really isn't about you, unless of course you make it about you and then it is really about you. Watch your drama with money today because you could be letting others know more about your personal business than you realize. Take it down a couple of decibels.

When it comes to learning astrology, you must remember that it is most easily understood through studying the patterns. This means observation in a pure simplistic form. In other words, it is what it is. Observation does not need to be hard. What do you see? Political candidates and celebrities whose lives are opened up with every stinkin' detail exposed are the best individuals to study. It almost makes astrology too easy. We don't even know family members stinkin' details as well as some individuals in the spotlight. When it comes to celebrities, I am keenly interested in their lives as an astrologer and not as a star struck fan. Everyone goes to the bathroom the same way in my world. (winky wink)

For instance, Brad Pitt fascinates the heck out of me but again, not as a star struck fan. You see here is a man who was attracted to one intellectual sign (Jennifer Aniston, Aquarius) then to another intellectual sign (Angelia Jolie, Gemini). This man did a complete opposite flip! The women weren't opposite to each other, he was the one that turned completely opposite in his attraction. He went from no children . . to an instant family. He went from a woman with the initials J.A. to a woman with the initials A.J. He even turned to his complete opposite sign. Brad is a Sagittarius and Angelina is his opposite sign, Gemini. This man obviously needs air (Gemini, Aquarius) to feed his fire (Sagittarius). He went from a woman with a North Node Aries (Jennifer) who has to learn to work on her 'self' and become more independent and 'selfish' in the most wonderful ways, to a woman with a Sun in Gemini and South Node in Gemini (Angelina) who just can't seem to get enough of herself. This isn't to pick on Angelina or make fun of her in any way, it is what it is. When the Sun and South Node are in the same sign, the Sun just falls right into the drain and the individual just can't seen to get enough of themselves. A Sun/South Node in the same sign can easily reveal itself as the extreme end of either side of the pendulum. This could be a narcissist or a hypochondriac. No matter how a Sun/South Node in the same sign shows up, it can simply be over the top and the individual has to learn how 'not' to be so drawn to themselves. It's like water attracted to a drain without a plug. Whatever 'it' is, 'it' will never be enough. So it is a bit wild that Brad goes from someone who needs to learn how to be more 'selfish' to someone who has no problem giving to their 'self'. Now listen, the purpose of this writing is not to minimize one woman and magnify the other or to shame one woman and make the other woman a saint. It is just astrological observation, pure and simple. It is what it is. Again, my fascination is not with Jennifer or Angelina, my fascination is with Brad and his complete about face. Kinda strange dont'cha think? It is also interesting how both of these women have a South Node at 00 degree. How odd is that? Jennifer Aniston's South Node in Libra is 00 degrees 55 minutes and Angelina Jolie's South Node in Gemini is 00 degrees 53 minutes. I find that similarity (within minutes of being exact) just downright incredible! A 00 degree South Node is someone who came into this world with no karma. Whatever karma they create in this Lifetime, is what they will have to deal with in the next Lifetime(s).

We always hear about pour ol' Jennifer Aniston and how she cannot hold onto a man. SHE'S AN AQUARIUS folks, she doesn't need to to hold on to and cling to a man. Her problem was she got married and she didn't need to be married in the first place. In fact, she doesn't need to be married ever again. Hopefully she learned that lesson. My personal hope for her is that she does not travel down that path again and enjoys having a committed relationship (like Oprah does with Stedman). But, her chart suggests she will in fact marry twice and maybe even a third time. That third time will be close, like maybe living together and just being engaged (like Oprah) and not needing that marriage license. I'm certain Oprah has a signed contract with Stedman, it's just not called 'marriage license'. Most Aquarian's don't need marriage and most Aquarian's should not be married. In fact, most Aquarian's have no business being married. Jennifer also has a North Node Aries where she is better off having her own identity, not someone else's. Believe me, Jennifer Aniston is just fine without being married to Brad and she likely knows this. No one should feel sorry for her. Brad needed her, she did not need him.

Even Gwyneth Paltrow, Brad's former relationship, she was a Libra with a Gemini Moon. Again, plenty of air to feed his fire. Here is something else odd. Jennifer Aniston has her Mercury and Sun both in Aquarius (air). Angelina Jolie has both her Mercury and Sun both in Gemini (air). Gwyneth Paltrow has her Mercury and Sun both in Libra (air). Even Juliette Lewis (another former Love of Brad's and my personal favorite actress of all time) is a Gemini (air) with a lot of air to follow (Jupiter in Aquarius). Recognize and your own relationship pattern folks and if you need assistance, you can schedule a reading here!

You see folks, we all have a pattern and we follow it and tweak it (relationship after relationship) until we get exactly what we want and need. The problem is when we hang on to something that is not there and settle for the lesser version. You can hang on year and year to the lesser version of your attraction but how will you reach your higher version of attraction if you don't squeeze in some practice relationships. If you trace back through all of your relationships you will see your own pattern. And if I were you, I wouldn't shame or blame that past relationship too loudly because after all, you picked 'em. When I look at my relationship with the Scorpion King, I know there is no way on earth I would have been ready for him had I not had the experience with 'the others'. When I look back, 'the others' were only practice to set me up for my future. It's like that with anything in Life, you need the practice. The problem is when we hang in there longer than we need to trying to convince ourselves that this one single individual is there 'to teach' us something so we must hang in there longer and remain miserable. Please! Folks, it's like school, some things in Life aren't really learned or even applied until some time later down the road. Would you hang out in the 3rd, 5th or 9th grade trying to jam something into your head and get the lesson. NO, oh hell no . . you move on and sooner or later down the road, the lesson will stick.

Now back to 'the situation' with Brad and Angelina. There was an interview several years ago with the cast of 'Friends' on Oprah. They did a LIVE video feed to Brad to say, "Hi". Jen was gushing and made the comment that they agreed they would stay in the relationship for as long as it worked. That was just about exactly what she said. I remember pointing at the TV and saying outloud, "There! Right there! That's the non-committal. They will only stay when it's Good but not when the going gets tough." My suspicion is his relationship with Angelina will ultimately not stand the test of time. She is really going to need things to go her way, A LOT! She is very militant to say the least due to the motherload of Aries energy in her chart. Militant is putting it lightly, meaning combative and just downright difficult, and may prove to be too much for traditional and conservative Brad. Angelina is Aries, Gemini and Cancer strong; whereas Brad is Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn strong. His Sun Sign in Sagittarius opposes her Sun in Gemini. Her Cancer strength opposes his Capricorn strength. Her Aries strength squares his Capricorn strength. Her Gemini strength squares his Virgo strength. She is fire strong and earth weak and he is earth strong and air weak. Dang, can you see the potential for greatness here? I sure do, but I don't think they are strong enough to make it happen. I don't think these two will ultimately have each others back. I think it may be something more like a stab in the back. But we'll see. Folks, this is a tough set-up and I suspect these two individual's completely missed the memo that said, "No dating at work!" I would bet that this was an affair. If it wasn't a physical affair at first, then it was probably an emotional affair and that is the worst kind. I don't believe this relationship will stand the test of time because . . 1) God does not and will not sanction affairs. Those marriages turn out to be very challenging and may even be ugly. And 2) I don't believe they are stronger together. Relationships make us either stronger together or weaker together. This one is the latter.

Recognize and your own relationship pattern folks and if you need assistance, you can schedule a reading here!


Planets are in a sign for 29 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds which completes a full 30 degrees after which the planet then moves into the next sign beginning at 00 degrees 00 minutes 01 seconds

S in the chart = Stationary
Rx in the chart = Retrograde
(Degrees and Minutes are calculated at 9:00 AM EDT)

Sun in Cancer 18° 40" - changes signs 07/22/12
Moon in Aries 12° 43" - changes signs 07/11/12
Mercury in Leo 11° 43" - changes signs 08/31/12
Venus in Gemini 10° 24" - changes signs 08/04/12
Mars in Libra 03° 45" - changes signs 08/23/12
Saturn in Libra 22° 57" - changes signs 10/05/12
Jupiter in Gemini 06° 14" - changes signs 06/25/13
Pluto "Rx" in Capricorn 07° 59" - changes signs 01/20/24
Pluto Retrograde (Rx) until 09/18/12
Uranus in Aries 08° 32" - changes signs 3/06/19
Neptune "Rx" in Pisces 02° 49" - changes signs 1/26/26
Neptune Retrograde (Rx) until 11/11/12
Chiron "Rx" in Pisces 09° 22" - changes signs 4/17/18
Chiron Retrograde (Rx) until 11/14/12
Black Moon in Taurus 22° 57" - changes signs 12/16/11
North Node "Rx" in Sagittarius 04° 07" - changes signs 8/29/12
South Node "Rx" in Gemini 04° 07" - changes signs 8/29/12
NOTE - The Nodes are ALWAYS opposite and ALWAYS retrograde

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