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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below),
the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is
the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.


THE MOON IS IN CAPRICORN TODAY! Keywords: Work, career, public image, status, rank in society, social status in the community, manager, ambitious, responsible, materialistic, conscientious, cold, cautious, prudent, pessimistic, business minded, the boss, manager, father, older men, authority figures, the military, fame, public recognition, level of fortune

The Capricorn Moon is moving through your 6th house of daily life, health, hygiene, food, work ethic, employees, service, skills, servants, clothing and sickness. It is about the service you give to others and your daily habits, routine, the working environment, pets, animals and service.

Today the Moon is in Capricorn, which is a very serious and sobering Moon. When I say "sobering" I mean it will sober up your emotions, much like a drunk sobers up and realizes what is really going on. Capricorn is the opposite sign of Cancer. The Moon naturally rules Cancer and Saturn naturally rules Capricorn. So you see the Moon is in its opposite sign, which makes this Moon in its detriment. Whenever a planet is in its opposite sign, it is in its detriment. Detriment means the wrong time and wrong place, so this Capricorn can be a bit tooooo serious and cold at the wrong time and wrong place. Something was supposed to be funny and the Capricorn Moon took it too seriously. DAMN, IT WAS A JOKE! GEEZ! Yep, I have a Capricorn Moon and I can be too serious in the middle of a joke and miss the big funny! Thank God I'm a Gemini which can take the edge off the seriousness, so I can snap out of that serious mode pretty quickly. Whew, I half-way dodged that bullet! LOL The opposite energy between Cancer and Capricorn is why Cancer is moody, sensitive, intuitive, warm, emotional and cries easily and Capricorn is serious, skeptical, doubting, cold, sometimes a bit insensitive and militant. Cancer rules the personal environment (home and family) and Capricorn rules the professional environment (career and public life). See how opposite they are? Cancer says, "Oh I'm so sorry, let me give you hug." Capricorn says, "Snap out it! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! There's no crying at work!" Capricorn is militant because it rules the military and authority figures. Cancer is nurturing and rules the home and family. Cancer rules the mother and Capricorn rules the father. Get the picture? This Capricorn Moon rolls in at just the right time to sober you up so you will get straight and fly right. SNAP OUT OF IT! Can you see why my Daily Horoscopes are a bit militant at times, direct and sobering when giving advice. I'm a 'snap out of it' kinda gal. Capricorn is naturally ruled by Saturn the disciplinarian, which says, "You wanna cry? I'll give you something to cry about!" Like any Good father, Saturn just wants you to do your best and wants what is best for you. Saturn/Capricorn wants to be proud of you for doing your job/thing and doing it well. It was probably a Capricorn that invented the bumper stickers that say -- My son/daughter is Marine. My daughter/son is on the Honor Roll. Saturn/Capricorn is a very very proud papa who wants to reward his children. Remember that, Saturn/Capricorn always wants to reward rather than restrict, limit or discipline. Oh ho ho, but it will restrict, limit and discipline you if that is what you need. It's your Life, you decide. There is no better time to get serious about what you are doing and where you are headed than during a Capricorn Moon. Check your personal Natal Chart to see where Capricorn sits in your chart so you can see where you are probably a little too militant and where you probably take things a bit too seriously.

It's that time of the month again when you need to be serious about your own health, fitness and daily routine. If you are one of those Leo's who is on their daily game, then take yourself up another level. If you are a Leo who needs to adjust their schedule to incorporate more personal time for yourself, then you need to get your game face on and get down to business. This Capricorn Moon is all business and serves as a gentle reminder to take yourself more seriously in a daily routine sort of way (health and fitness). The Capricorn Moon will always serve as a perfect reminder to stop being so serious about everything else if you are not going to take yourself more seriously, FIRST. And I mean that in a healthy serious way. Remember from my previous writings, we are still under the 'orb of influence' of the New Moon in Virgo that occurred on Thursday, September 5, 2013 which means 'manifest destiny' and 'mind over matter'.

I have been on a 'calendar roll'. The 2013 Major Planetary Events Calendar is updated through December 2013. I also created a load of NEW! 2014 Calendars. I have posted the 2014 Void of Course Moon Calendars from January 2014 through June 2014, the 2014 Lunar (Moon) Phase Calendar complete with all the New Moons and Full Moons and I have posted the 2014 Retrograde Planetary Calendar of all the planets coming out of Retrograde status or going into Retrograde status for 2014. Enjoy your pre-game awakening for 2014. (winky wink)

I have two Facebook (FB) pages. One is under Dr. Loretta Standley and the other is under Loretta Standley. The Dr. Loretta Standley FB page is linked with my Twitter feed where often times I get on a roll and make a lot of quick astrology posts. Sometimes I also get on a roll Tweeting without posting them through Facebook. My Twitter handle is drstandley.

For Leo's today's Capricorn Moon is shining its moonbeams on your 6th house as you can see from the flow of your Solar (Sun Sign) Chart below. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

The flow for your Solar Chart looks like this. Your Sun Sign Leo would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Virgo 2nd house, Libra 3rd house, Scorpio 4th house, Sagittarius 5th house, Capricorn 6th house, Aquarius 7th house, Pisces 8th house, Aries 9th house, Taurus 10th house, Gemini 11th house and Cancer 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!


Planets are in a sign for 29 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds which completes a full 30 degrees after which the planet then moves into the next sign beginning at 00 degrees 00 minutes 01 seconds

S in the chart = Stationary
Rx in the chart = Retrograde
(Degrees and Minutes are calculated at 5:56 AM EDT)

Sun in Virgo 20° 46" - changes signs 09/23/13
Moon in Capricorn 00° 00" - changes signs 09/15/13
Mercury in Libra 06° 43" - changes signs 09/29/13
Venus in Scorpio 02° 29" - changes signs 10/07/13
Mars in Leo 10° 21" - changes signs 10/15/13
Saturn in Scorpio 08° 13" - changes signs 09/17/15
Jupiter in Cancer 16° 00" - changes signs 07/16/14
Pluto "Rx" in Capricorn 09° 00" - changes signs 01/20/24
Pluto Retrograde (Rx) until 09/20/13
Uranus "Rx" in Aries 11° 19" - changes signs 3/06/19
Uranus Retrograde (Rx) until 12/17/13
Neptune "Rx" in Pisces 03° 29" - changes signs 1/26/26
Neptune Retrograde (Rx) until 11/13/13
Chiron "Rx" in Pisces 10° 59" - changes signs 4/17/18
Chiron Retrograde (Rx) until 11/19/13
Black Moon in Cancer 10° 42" - changes signs 03/04/13
North Node "S" in Scorpio 08° 52" - changes signs 2/18/14
South Node "S" in Taurus 08° 52" - changes signs 2/18/14
NOTE - The Nodes are ALWAYS opposite and ALWAYS retrograde

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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.