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Dr. Loretta Standley is a retired Chiropractor, Acupuncturist and a current Yoga studio owner and teacher.  She is a Yoga Alliance Certified Education Provider through Yoga Alliance

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FRIDAY - MARCH 29, 2013

Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below),
the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is
the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.

THE MOON IS IN SCORPIO TODAY! Keywords: sexual, desire, researcher, detective, suspicious, passionate, ownership, secretive, intense, passionate, depth, worry, jealous, obsessed, questioning, rebirth, transformation, other people's money, chemistry, laboratory, surgery, scientist

The Moon in Scorpio is squaring (challenging) your 4th house of home, family, the mother, older women. It describes your roots, your heritage and your private life. This house also rules land, property, residences, domestic affairs, psychological foundations, biological inheritance and place of abode.

Hey, hey, hey . . . WAKE UP! Folks, you still need to be fully conscious and aware of your situation(s) while we are still 'in the midst' of the 'afterglow' of the Full Moon in Libra. Certainly the Moon is in Scorpio today but we are in the afterglow of the Full Moon. Look at the Moon tonight and you will see that it is very much still full of itself. While it is still full of itself (LOL) it is now in the sign of stinging and biting Scorpio. Well this stinging and biting Scorpio energy can either be intimate Love bites (ooh la la) or it can be a sting so hard that it leaves a mark (memory). This Scorpio energy is passionate, it is intense and it has memory. Falling in Love under a Scorpio Moon hardly works out because the passion is so intense that after this Moon passes, the passion wanes. It just falls off a cliff like it never happened. Needless to say, it's a great date night. Some of you might find yourself in make-up mode with great sex to follow since the energy has been so relationship intense lately. After all, Scorpio does rule sex! It is important to note that we are still in the midst of the 'sudden change in circumstances'. If you are new to these horoscopes, then click back a day and you will see what I am referring to because there is a ton of info in the previous pages.

We are very much still in -- I am vs. We are .... Me vs. Us .... Myself vs. Ourselves .... I can do it myself vs. I need help .... Lone survivor vs. Helpmate .... Singularity vs. Duality .... On my own vs. The two of us. In other words it is important to embrace we, us and our as opposed to me, my and I. This is the opposition at work and this opposition applies to all relationships but most importantly romantic relationships....still relationships of all sorts. It's a dance!

Folks, I'm going to give it to you straight, right between the eyes, if you purchased a Compatibility Report it is very important for you to look at yourself in this report FIRST! to see why you do the things you do. If you go into this report looking at the other person first, then you may be in your ego, or in denial of your patterns or participatory habits in the relationship. Read the report 3 times with different levels of understanding to let this information sink in. The first time you read the report read it being only concerned with what describes you. Read it selfishly as if you are only concerned with who you are. Then read it a second time being only concerned with what describes your partner. Read it like a detective as if you are only concerned with who your partner is. Then the third time read it with the understanding that these two energies are now doing their best to understand each other. There is nothing wrong with your birth date and there is nothing wrong with their birth date, but sometimes the combination of two birth dates can make for complicated times.

Now on to today's horoscope. This Scorpio Moon naturally squares your sign so you could create an uproar without realizing it. You don't have to use this Scorpio Moon in such a challenging and fierce way. No one has to get stung, hurt or clawed just because you are feeling fiesty. Channel this powerful energy into creating a better home life. Throw things out, move furniture around and read some Feng Shui books that will make you feel empowered. It is essential to daily living that Leo always feels empowered. You should know more than anyone that a group of lion's is called a 'pride'. Actually, a pride of lions is made up by related females and offspring and a small number of adult males. Think of your family Leo, think of your own 'pride' as this Scorpio Moon moves through this 4th house of home and family. Who makes up your pride? Leo's needs a 'pride' and the head of the pride is the 'keystone'. Start building or 'rebuilding your pride' and I mean that literally and figuratively.


Planets are in a sign for 29 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds which completes a full 30 degrees after which the planet then moves into the next sign beginning at 00 degrees 00 minutes 01 seconds

S in the chart = Stationary
Rx in the chart = Retrograde
(Degrees and Minutes are calculated at 5:00 AM EDT)

Sun in Aries 08° 49" - changes signs 04/19/13
Moon in Scorpio 04° 48" - changes signs 03/30/13
Mercury in Pisces 11° 11" - changes signs 04/13/13
Venus in Aries 09° 00" - changes signs 04/15/13
Mars in Aries 13° 12" - changes signs 04/20/13
Saturn "Rx" in Scorpio 10° 18" - changes signs 09/17/15
Saturn Retrograde (Rx) until 07/08/13
Jupiter in Gemini 11° 25" - changes signs 06/25/13
Pluto in Capricorn 11° 31" - changes signs 01/20/24
Uranus in Aries 08° 30" - changes signs 3/06/19
Neptune in Pisces 04° 07" - changes signs 1/26/26
Chiron in Pisces 11° 12" - changes signs 4/17/18
Black Moon in Gemini 21° 59" - changes signs 06/09/13
North Node "Rx" in Scorpio 17° 16" - changes signs 2/18/14
South Node "Rx" in Taurus 17° 16" - changes signs 2/18/14
NOTE - The Nodes are ALWAYS opposite and ALWAYS retrograde

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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.