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MONDAY - JULY 15, 2013

Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below),
the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is
the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.


THE MOON IS IN LIBRA TODAY! Keywords: balance, harmony, justice, court/law, marriage, live-in relationships, business partnerships, gossip, judgmental, contracts, unions, relationships under a verbal or written contract

The Libra Moon is moving through your 3rd house of communication, writing, mental abilities, lower education from 1st to 12th grade, early learning, immediate environment, short journeys, local travel and travel within your own country. It also rules neighbors, siblings and extended siblings such as cousins, nieces and nephews.

Over the past two days I have been writing about the upcoming Grand Trine that will occur between on July 16, 2013 - July 18, 2013. You may have read these days elsewhere as July 17 - July 19, 2013 (so I have been told). Quite frankly folks, I do not visit other astrology sites simply because I do not want my original writing to be accidentally swayed. I want my writing to be purely from me and what comes through me. Having said that, I was doing some nit-picky calculations this morning and I see that technically speaking, the Grand Trine actually begins today, Monday, July 15, 2013 even though even more technically speaking we have been 'under the orb of influence' of this Grand Trine since June 25, 2013 when Jupiter first entered Cancer. As the planets come closer together to create an aspect, we call that "applying degrees". Then they become 'exact' on a certain date at a certain time. Then after the exact time period the planets begin to grow further apart in degrees and we call that "separating degrees". They are arriving toward the same point, they become exact, then they leave each other. If you notice in your Expansive Natal Chart under the section called, "Chart Points" I do reference whether a certain aspect (trine, opposition, square, quincunx, etc) is an 'applying degree' or a 'separating degree'. Read more about applying and separating degrees here!

So, I was doing some nit-picky calculating this morning and see that at 10:41 AM EDT this morning, all three planets Saturn, Neptune and Jupiter will all three be at 04 degrees 50 something minutes. This is why today's Daily Astrology Chart is set at 10:41 AM EDT so you can see this. Keep in mind that Neptune is Retrograde; therefore, at precisely 10:41 AM EDT this morning, Neptune (going backward in degrees) crosses over from 05 degrees 00 minutes to 04 degrees 59 minutes. Jupiter in Cancer at that exact minute will be 04 degrees 25 minutes and Saturn in Scorpio at that exact will be at 04 degrees 51 minutes. The closest these three planets will come to creating a perfect 04 degree aspect is on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 at 12:32 PM EDT and will last until 2:19 PM EDT when Saturn in Scorpio is at 04 degrees 57 minutes, Neptune in Pisces is 04 degrees 53 minutes and Jupiter in Cancer at 04 degree 53 minutes. So that will be as exact as it gets on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 at 12:32 PM EDT until 2:19 PM EDT. After that, Jupiter begins moving past Saturn and they begin to separate in degrees minute by minute and by 7:46 PM EDT Jupiter in Cancer will have reached 04 degrees 57 minutes and it will be the exact degree Saturn is in Scorpio at 04 degrees 57 minutes. Neptune is still in this mix at 04 degrees 53 minutes. So you see it's the same degrees either way you slice it at 12:32 PM EDT until 2:19 PM EDT .... or at 7:46 PM EDT. So the nutshell if you are looking for the THE MOST exact time period of this Grand Trine, it is on Wednesday, July 17, 2013. None of these planets (Saturn, Neptune or Jupiter) are ever at 05 degrees during THE MOST exact time period of this Grand Trine. Certainly, they are pretty damn close, but for you nit-pickers like me, it's 04 degrees 50 something minutes. If you look at your Personal Natal Chart for where 05 degrees would be in Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer, then certainly that is close enough. We are only talking minutes.

This Grand Trine affects your 4th, 8th and 12th houses as indicated in the last paragraph below. Wow wee! This Grand Trine is between your 4th house of home, land and family, 8th house of other people's money, including mortgage bankers, insurance or the partner's money and 12th house of money from behind the scenes such as unemployment benefits or money that comes through the hidden realm. This does have help with money written all over it. Make certain you look to your Astrology Natal Chart to see where these planets will influence you personally rather than as an entire Sun Sign.

The 4th house -- Mother, land, property, residence, domestic affairs, home and family, roots, heritage, private life, family relations, the biological and psychological foundation, biological inheritance, place of abode, the ashram, farms, agriculture, crops, aunts and uncles of the mother, birthplace, siblings money, estate, real estate, real estate agents, hotels and their workers, public housing, living conditions, the elderly, the partner's reputation, people sharing a home, possessions that are fixed and do not move such as a home, profession of the partner, rental property, places to rest, self-rehab, what one tends to inherit, gains through writing

The 8th house -- Alimony, wealth of the spouse, spirituality, insurance, legacies, other people's money, stocks, bonds, taxes, inheritances, wills, sex, sex organs, death (which is a transformation or rebirth), surgeries, astral experiences, business partner's money, metaphysics, transformation, regeneration, resources of others, possessions or property of the deceased, estates of marriages or business partners, joint finances, financial organizations, friends in one's business or professional Life, heirs, heirlooms, outcome of lawsuits, public income, spiritual and mental regeneration,

The 12th house -- Bluffing, blackmail, bribes, silent business dealings, charity, charitable organizations, cheaters, confidential positions and their matters, conspiracies, secret contracts, deceivers, delusions, escapism, fraud, money and the finances of friends, hidden places, homes for the aged, impersonators, intoxication, karmic responsibilities, secret Love affairs, privacy, public welfare, relief societies, retirement, secret societies, sleep, spies, unemployment benefits, welfare work and their offices, yesterday, institutions, jails, hospitals, karma, finances of friends, secret sorrows, fears, self-destruction, large animals, skeletons in closet, self-injury, self-undoing, self-injury, endings, hidden strengths and weaknesses, libraries, armed services, collective unconscious, spirituality, unredeemed karma, selfless service to humanity.

Until Monday, July 22, 2013 we are still under the 'orb of influence' of the New Moon in Cancer that occurred Monday, July 8th at 3:13 AM EDT. If you missed the writing, click back and play catch up. You 'get to' choose how you see your childhood. It's either poor-me-syndrome or it is strength-through-family. You get to choose whether you will claim weakness due to your childhood experience or whether you will claim strength through your childhood experience. Notice how I used the words 'due to' or 'through'. No matter what occurred, you 'get to' choose how you will view, channel and use the energy to live your Life. You are no longer in your childhood, you are now in adulthood. Use the experience to create a better Life now! Mercury is also Retrograde until Saturday, July 20, 2013. Read more about this in your Monthly Horoscope (Mercury Opportunity).

For Leo's today's Libra Moon is shining its moonbeams on your 3rd house as you can see from the flow of your Solar (Sun Sign) Chart below. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!

The flow for your Solar Chart looks like this. Your Sun Sign Leo would be on the 1st house and then you would follow the signs in order for each house. Virgo 2nd house, Libra 3rd house, Scorpio 4th house, Sagittarius 5th house, Capricorn 6th house, Aquarius 7th house, Pisces 8th house, Aries 9th house, Taurus 10th house, Gemini 11th house and Cancer 12th house. Read more about How Horoscopes Are Written Here! For your personal natal chart that has your exact birth date, time and location, then the flow from the 1st house would according to whatever Sun Sign is your Rising Sign. Read more about what the 12 houses rule here!


Planets are in a sign for 29 degrees 59 minutes 59 seconds which completes a full 30 degrees after which the planet then moves into the next sign beginning at 00 degrees 00 minutes 01 seconds

S in the chart = Stationary
Rx in the chart = Retrograde
(Degrees and Minutes are calculated at 5:00 AM EDT)

Sun in Cancer 23° 16" - changes signs 07/22/13
Moon in Libra 16° 47" - changes signs 07/16/13
Mercury "Rx" in Cancer 14° 29" - changes signs 08/08/13
Mercury Retrograde (Rx) until 07/20/13
Venus in Leo 21° 40" - changes signs 07/22/13
Mars in Cancer 01° 23" - changes signs 08/27/13
Saturn in Scorpio 04° 51" - changes signs 09/17/15
Jupiter in Cancer 04° 25" - changes signs 07/16/14
Pluto "Rx" in Capricorn 09° 57" - changes signs 01/20/24
Pluto Retrograde (Rx) until 09/20/13
Uranus in Aries 12° 31" - changes signs 3/06/19
Neptune "Rx" in Pisces 04° 59" - changes signs 1/26/26
Neptune Retrograde (Rx) until 11/13/13
Chiron "Rx" in Pisces 13° 26" - changes signs 4/17/18
Chiron Retrograde (Rx) until 11/19/13
Black Moon in Cancer 04° 02" - changes signs 03/04/13
North Node "Rx" in Scorpio 14° 04" - changes signs 2/18/14
South Node "Rx" in Taurus 14° 04" - changes signs 2/18/14
NOTE - The Nodes are ALWAYS opposite and ALWAYS retrograde

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**This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind.