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Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN TAURUS TODAY! Keywords: money, practical, stability, music, possessions, self-worth, morals, values, romance, slow to decide The Moon in Taurus is squaring (challenging) your 10th house public life. This house also rules fame, notoriety, occupation, career, ambition, government, military, chief executives, business life, goals, ranks, political position, status, standing in the public eye, position in society. It shows your standing in the community and social status. It can reflect your attitude to parenting. Okay folks, just a few more days of everyone receiving the same Daily Horoscope in order to accomodate my fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants week. I'm still writing Expansive Natal Charts and doing phone readings while I am on the road (that's just how I roll) but just cutting back on writing Daily Horoscopes gave me all the extra time I needed this week. Thank you for your understanding. When you click on today's Daily Astrology Chart link in the blue box below you will see the Moon in Taurus squaring Mercury in Leo. Those on the mobile website will not see this blue box because it only appears on the main website daily horoscope pages. Now keep in mind whenever you think Moon, think emotions, fluidity and change. This is because the Moon changes signs every 2 to 2-1/2 days, which is what makes 'all of our' moods change so quickly. So you can see with 12 different Sun Signs and the Moon changing every 2 to 2-1/2 days that this is why the lunar cycle is right at about 28 days. So today we have the Moon in Taurus, which is a very stable, firm and grounded Moon when it comes to emotions. Taurus' are hardly pushovers and have a firm footing. I Love taking my 9 year old grandson (a Taurus) hiking because that kid can HIKE! He can keep stable footing on rocks in the river and make it to the other side without ol' granny-pants worrying about him. You see folks, Taurus (the melodious cow aka placid bull) has a low center of gravity so they are not pushovers. They are tough with a strong physical constitution. Regardless of what people say about the drunken cow-tipping parties, it isn't so easy to sneak up on a cow because they are in fact, easily startled. The nutshell . . . cows and bulls are aware! This Taurus Moon is AWAKE and when it is standing up and it is aware of its surroundings. Remember a few days ago I wrote that in my charts all of the red lines are challenges? This is so you can easily view the chart and see the overall effect of challenges (red and green lines) vs. easy and effortless (blue lines). Well, today the Moon in Taurus squares (red line) Mercury in Leo. Mercury is the sign of mental abilities, the mind, communication and transportation. When you think communication and transportation it is indicative of energy getting around. It is kickin' ass, takin' names and gettin' er' done. When the Moon (emotions) squares Mercury (mental energy) then there is a conflict between the mind and emotions. Feelings get in the way and it results in indecisiveness and the inability to get er' done. What do you want to do? I don't know, whatever you want to do. It doesn't matter to me. What do you want to do? Feelings and thoughts are at odds. We can call this low mental confidence because it is just too hard to make up the mind when the emotions are plopped down in the way. What is so interesting about today is that Taurus energy always knows what it wants. Taurus is clear, awake, stable and firm. Contrary to drunk cow-tipping stories . . . cows are easily startled so they will be mooing before you think you can sneak up on them. Due to their low center of gravity, they will feel the earth rumble before you hop over the fence. Taurus the melodious cow and placid bull is definitely not a push-over. It is certainly possible to push them over but it won't be easy. The challenge for you today is to stay awake and vigilant and don't be pressured into making a decision. Remember, plant your feet, hold your ground and do not be a pushover!
DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |