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Age of Aquarius |
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Neptune in Pisces Retrograde |
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Pluto Rising in Capricorn Part II |
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Uranus in Taurus |
The House of Windsor Royal Family Charts |
Scorpio Moon Shopping & Surgery |
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How can I be a Christian & practice Astrology? |
What is a Natal Chart? |
Daily Horoscopes are written according to where the Moon is located.
For that reason you will see the Moon information 1st paragraph (below), the 2nd paragraph is the house that affects your Sign, and the 3rd paragraph is the horoscope itself based on the information of the 1st and 2nd paragraph.
THE MOON IS IN ARIES TODAY! Keywords: aggressive, competitive, sports, creativity, head games, self-centered, self-absorbed, selfish, starter, the beginning, creation, creating, game player, new beginnings, the head, impulsive The Moon in Aries is squaring (challenging) your 4th house of home, family, the mother, older women. It describes your roots, your heritage and your private life. This house also rules land, property, residences, domestic affairs, psychological foundations, biological inheritance and place of abode. You probably won't get much credit in this 4th house of home and family during an Aries Moon so it's best not to call any extra attention to yourself right now. Remember, you rule the opposite house of this 4th house, which is the 10th house. The 4th house is inside the home and the 10th house is outside of the home. This is why Capricorn is so ambitious with their career and status in the community. Aggressively calling attention to yourself in the home will only leave you frustrated. Attention will always come to you outside of the home unless of course you happen to have a North Node in the 4th house. It's time to toss out a gentle reminder that currently the South Node is in Taurus and the North Node is in Scorpio. The Nodes are always in opposite signs. ALWAYS! Taurus and Scorpio are opposite signs. Now folks, I said "currently". Where the North and South Node were when you were born may be a whole different story. Check out the North and South Node Calendar here to check the dates. On this calendar you will also see that 'currently' the South Node is in Taurus and the North Node is Scorpio from August 29, 2012 until February 18, 2014. You can also see from the blue planetary box below (this is not on the mobile site) which sign the Nodes are in. Where the planets are daily is listed in this box. As you may know from my previous writings, the South Node is the 'hole in the chart'. It's like having a hole in your pocket and anything you put into it falls right through. It is a bottomless pit that cannot be filled no matter how much energy you put into it, it isn't going to happen, so stop wasting your time and energy. SAVE YOURSELF! If you look at your personal natal chart you will see where the North and South Node were when you were born. Right now the Nodes are in Taurus and Scorpio but may have been in a different sign when you were born. Make sense? Just like all of the other planets. They are where they are today but may have been in a different sign when you were born. When the South Node is in your Sun Sign, this is when you will be a drain to yourself and anything else that is ruled by your Sun Sign. Since we know the South Node is currently in Taurus, then Taurus' are the ones facing this difficulty until February 18, 2014. For those of us who aren't a Taurus, then the area in our chart that is ruled by Taurus becomes the drain. What to do, what to do? As I ALWAYS say, in order to balance and satisfy the thirst of the occurring energy, you put your energy into the North Node. So wherever Scorpio is in your chart, then that is where you focus your energy. Hey, it's not like I don't understand, the South Node was in Gemini and the North Node was in Sagittarius from March 4, 2011 until August 29, 2012 and I'm a Gemini. The Nodes move backward (Retrograde) through the signs. The South Node in Gemini kicked my butt. I did exactly what I tell all of you, stay busy and stay out of trouble. Well, I stayed busy, I worked harder than I usually do (if you can believe that) and still got my butt kicked. I never really wrote to you some of the things that happened because I have a natal South Node in Pisces and we South Node Pisces people cannot EVER be in victim stance. EVER! We are silent sufferers and do not have permission to broadcast our suffering(s). Now that all of that is well behind me I will share a few things. During that year and a half period, on two separate occasions I spent two weeks on my back (on the couch) with back spasms writing to you and updating daily. I never said a word about it. On another occasion I broke my toe. Another occasion I twisted my knee and was in a knee brace for quite a while because I was acting like an idiot out in the yard during a game of washers. Still, on another occasion while on a camping trip I ran into a tree in the dark and nearly broke my nose. To this day, when I blow my nose in the morning I get a bit of blood. My nose is still tender although it was not fractured. Even though I stayed busy, my body and my smart mouth got me in trouble. I just could not win. I even had two minor accidents with no significant auto damage. Oh my gosh, I could go on and on and on about some to the things that happened but I woke up and kept focused on my own Natal North Node and the current North Node at that time, which was Sagittarius. I stayed focused on both. Even though these crazy things kept occurring, it really wasn't all that difficult. I just handled it (emotionally and physically) and kept going. I did not dwell on it and that makes all the difference in the world. Now listen folks, when the Moon is in the sign of your Natal South Node, then that will be your most challenging 2 to 2-1/2 days out of the month. When the Sun is in the sign of your natal South Node, then that will be your most challenging month of the year. Currently the Sun is in Pisces and my South Node is in Pisces. I have become pretty accustomed to focusing on my natal North Node (Virgo) and using my South Node Pisces as knowledge, wisdom and information. You see folks, your South Node in your Natal Chart is what you came into this lifetime with and what you should be using as your wisdom, knowledge and experience. You do not repeat learning the information because you already know it. You just use it as wisdom and knowledge to focus on your North Node. When you came into this world through the Universal Womb (we call mommy) you were dragging a piece of luggage on wheels behind you. In that piece of luggage is your South Node (wisdom, experience and knowledge). This is why you are not to repeat it. That would be like going back to 3rd grade and repeating it. Why would you do that? Been there done that. You just what you learned but you do not need to repeat the 3rd grade. Make sense? When you are truly focused on and seekig your North Node, it will be just like seeking a job. The interviewer will want to know what experience you have and THAT my dear little mentators is when your South Node experience will serve you. You don't repeat the previous job you were at, you just KNOW that you have the experience, wisdom and knowledge to do the one you are seeking now, in this lifetime. Is that freakin' cool or what?!?! The South Node is what you have already done (the past, karma) and the North Node is what you should be doing (the future, dharma).
![]() DISCLAIMER **This web site's goal is to provide you with information that may be useful in attaining optimal health. Nothing in it is meant as a prescription or as medical advice. You should check with your physician before implementing any changes in your exercise or lifestyle habits, especially if you have physical problems or are taking medications of any kind. |